Confirm the availability of DSL in your area now! |
DWX has partnered with Qwest to provide our great internet service via lightning-fast DSL technology. With your DSL connection, you'll be surfing the 'net up to 25 times faster than dial-up service... and never experience a busy signal or disconnection again!
DSL uses your existing phone line without interfering with voice communication... You can talk on the phone while cruising through e-mail, web sites and all things cyber!
DWX provides private -not shared- e-mail boxes, tons of storage space, spam & virus protection, Instant Messaging, Parental Control, free tech support, and so much more... all for less than you'd expect to spend!
Experience DSL high-speed internet from DWX and, not only will you be amazed at how much faster it is, you'll wonder how you ever surfed without it!